Monday, December 3, 2007

'Sireh Tersepit Sdn. Bhd.'

Just got back from my first day at FINAS' class on Pengurusan filem. Hahaa... seriously speaking... byk benda yg mengejutkankan dan sedikit 'shocking'! (exeggerate je ni...)

First... Being a producer (theoritically) are much clearer now to me on do's and don'ts'. Ada yg makin susah, dan ada yg makin senang based on pengurusan video yg aku belajar dulu dgn 'mat london' + 'pak ibrahim'. Overall, it comes to the same perspectives of pre, pro and post. Cuma hari ni basically, dibincangkan ttg pre-production all day long!

Kali ni view yg diketengahkan agak berbeza dgn sblm ni, kita diajar more on how to react, control and understand the main subject which is : BOUNDARIES! + trust. seemuaaanya akan end-up kat topik ni. Trust yg interesting sebenarnya, sbb benda ni yg 'superbly' subjective! It starts from the beginning. To do or not to do! Lebih kurang.

Secondly,.... hahahaa... seriously, U-Wei... one funny hellava guy! tak sangka, ingat garang... rupanya kelakar, sinis dll. One big thinker yg. boleh gain respect just by beborak-borak kosong (bukan borak tin kosong). Anyway, x tau lagi mcmana dgn the nxt 4 days going to be. but, having the first day this interesting... i bet i'm gonna get more of 'theories' adventure. hope so, aminn!!!


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Anonymous said...